Nothing can show with greater clearness, God's abhorrence of Sin, than the invariable evil which pursues the characters, who place themselves in opposition to the types of the Redeemer; -while again, nothing can more satisfactorily demonstrate his love, and care over all men, than the success, promises, and favour which he has ever showered upon those who, by faith and righteousness, have lived in the spiritual image and similitude of Christ. The soul does not exist on earth, who stands not before God in one of these two principles. He is in the form of Cain-or in that of Abel—the sinner in heart, or the righteous in faith. By oft iterated examples God has given the full power, with the mental desire of avoidance; and fixed us within the circle of a Law-from which there is no escape-that WE, in every generation, may shadow forth in our own lives, a reflected image of the excellencies of Christ, by following the same known principles of conduct, by which holy men of old, under such varied circumstances, became his types and emblems. They came forth in this similitude by. holiness. Christ has displayed in his own person, the perfection of the human character. We have the results of both before us;-of both; "written for our admonition." Their united influence over the future destiny of the individual, must be fearful; the power to chasten our every act of "reverence,' with at least the thought of "trembling." I would again say to all-try the truth of the system, by personal investigation ;—neither by prejudice, nor by prepossession; neither by partiality, nor by aversion;-but by the mind's entrance in the Design and Object of Revelation; and seeking illumination from Christ, in accordance with his promise to all who seek with diligence and faith-you will then, doubtless, discern of "the doctrine whether it be of God." THE END. PRINTED BY STEWART AND MURRAY, OLD BAILEY. |